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Posts Tagged "Snohomish"

  • I Hope There Aren’t Any Bugs! (Why You Should Always Work With Traditional Real Estate Agents)

    September 9, 2016 /
    Pickett Street Properties Team /

    “I hope there aren’t any bugs!” said the landlord as she handed me the keys to my new apartment. “I beg your pardon?” I said, a trifle dismayed that the apartment I would be renting with my girlfriend could be home to “bugs.” “Oh, it’s nothing really,” said the landlord, “it’s just that there might be bugs in your apartment.” An awkward silence ensued. “I’m not saying there definitely are bugs,” said the landlord with a forced laugh, the kind family members might use at Christmas dinner when crazy Uncle Ernie starts telling inappropriate stories. “It’s just that there might be.” More silence. I had a brief vision of the scene from the last Indiana Jones movie when one of the bad guys falls into an anthill and is eaten alive by its inhabitants. “Anyhoo,” the landlord said, clearing her throat, “who wants a cup of coffee?” There were bugs, as it turned out. I discovered one after wrestling three suitcases, two bicycles, and a box stuffed with approximately twelve pairs of flip-flops through the front door of our new apartment. As I prepared to unload my burden and collapse onto the carpet of the living room floor, I found the space already occupied by the…Read more

  • Do you want a discount from your Real Estate Agent?

    September 2, 2016 /
    Pickett Street Properties Team /

    What You Get When You Work With a Discount Agent Here’s a hint: it’s not much. While discounted brokers might seem attractive (who isn’t attracted to a lower price tag?), a lower cost does not often equal a better experience in the real estate world. Before jumping on the discount bandwagon, take a minute to read our reasons why traditional realtors are still the kings (and queens) of the real estate world. Traditional vs. Discount Before launching into a discussion about why the traditional model trumps discount upstarts, it’s important to understand the distinction between the two. A traditional broker is a tried and true real estate agent - he or she will charge a standard commission fee (often 6% of the sales price), but will not charge any other fees. Traditional brokers generally control all aspects of the real estate transaction, such as advertising your home, working with the MLS in your state, negotiating offers, helping you discover anything unique about certain properties, developing individualized marketing strategies to ensure that a homeowner’s property gets maximum market exposure, and finding properties for prospective buyers. A discounted broker, on the other hand, charges a lower commission, often around 3-5%, but sometimes even lower. Some…Read more

  • Top Perks of Puget Sound Living

    August 24, 2016 /
    Pickett Street Properties Team /

    Growing up in the Puget Sound permanently spoiled me. There are few places in the world that enjoy such an enviable intersection of nature, economic opportunity, and cultural vibrancy. As such, I’m always judging other locations against the impossibly high bar set by Puget Sound living, and so it’s hardly a surprise that even the most exotic destinations seem to pale in comparison to my beloved Seattle. But don’t take my word for it: read on to learn more about the top perks of Puget Sound living. Booming Economy Seattle is quickly establishing itself as one of the most prominent economies in the country. Though the city has plenty of job opportunities for multiple skill sets, the tech industry is definitely leading the pack, with local heavyweight Amazon continuing to expand its influence, while imports like Google and Facebook are establishing a firm presence. With a bountiful influx of wealth and employment, Puget Sound living keeps getting better and better. Natural Beauty Northwest natives might take the region’s beauty for granted, but that doesn’t make it any less astonishing. The Puget Sound is one of the country’s largest estuaries, and it’s home to a diverse body of wildlife, including whales, octopi, seals,…Read more

  • Gratitude: the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.

    August 5, 2016 /
    Pickett Street Properties Team /

    “Well this is an unfortunate turn of events,” I thought as the oncoming SUV drove into my bicycle and knocked me onto the asphalt. I don’t remember what happened immediately after impact (vehicular accidents tend to dull the senses, it turns out), but I do remember being rather proud of my admirably calm mental observations, given the circumstances. For instance, I remember it was a fine, crisp January morning and that there were birds singing in the trees. Also, the sky was filled with plump, fluffy clouds, the air had been scrubbed clean by recent rain, some stranger was grabbing me by the shoulders and asking if I was alright, and a police officer was rushing toward me and calling an ambulance. Now (I wondered), why should I be receiving so much attention all of a sudden? Oh yes: I’ve just been hit by a car. Since my brain is liable to wander off into some pretty weird places during even the most normal circumstances, it’s hardly surprising that the loopiness of my post-crash mental excursions was exponentially magnified. Sitting up in the street in a befuddled and bruised state, I allowed my mind to wander through the little-used vaults…Read more

  • Mortgage Rates are Low: Why Should You Care?

    August 2, 2016 /
    Pickett Street Properties Team /

    We’re only a little more than halfway into the year, and already the housing market is flexing its muscles with a strong showing from new home sales. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has announced that there were 592,000 new home sales in June, a figure which outpaces original expectations and estimations by tens of thousands of units. The number of new home sales has increased about 4% in the last month, while current new home sales are roughly 25% higher than they were in June 2015. More to the point, June 2016 saw the highest new home sales since 2008. All in all, demand for new housing remains strong, and the housing market is not only continuing its robust, post-recession recovery, but also continues to be a primary contributor to the U.S. economic recovery. The success of new home sales has relied in large part on currently low mortgage rates. For individuals and households with favorable credit history, the average 30-year, fixed rate mortgage is about 3.5%. Back in June 2015, the average 30-year rates were hovering around 4% (which, it’s worth mentioning, was an already low figure). With rates arriving at even lower levels, it’s no…Read more

  • Colorado, Ho! (Part 1)

    July 8, 2016 /
    Pickett Street Properties Team /

    Way out in the wilds of Oregon, an overstuffed hatchback is laboring up the side of a tiny mountain at about eight o’clock in the morning. Though the recommended speed limit is a brisk 70 miles per hour, the wee beleaguered hatchback is huffing and puffing along at a sluggish 35, due to its general and aforementioned overstuffed-ness. Now (if you’ll humor me), let’s peek in the window of this particular hatchback and take a closer look at the driver: keeping his grumbles and complaints to a bare minimum, the driver (who, it’s worth mentioning, is a devilishly handsome fellow) stoically switches on the emergency blinkers and guides his vehicle gamely up the giddy steepness of the mountain slopes while, in the passenger seat beside him, the driver’s patient and long-suffering girlfriend encourages him with well-chosen words bursting with good-natured positivity. There’s a light drizzle pattering over the windshield, and everyone involved is suffering from a more-or-less dramatic lack of caffeine. I mention this seemingly random scenario because it’s exactly the situation I found myself in a few days ago as I set off on yet another move to yet another state. As you probably guessed, I was the driver,…Read more

  • The Art of Seattle Architecture

    July 5, 2016 /
    Pickett Street Properties Team /

    Seattle is famous for many things - coffee, music, natural beauty - but, strangely enough, few people are familiar with the architecture of the Emerald City. Or, if they are familiar with it, their knowledge is probably limited to the Space Needle. This gap might not seem significant for most folks, but to a Seattle native like me, it’s nothing short of a travesty. Seattle is home to some quietly majestic architecture, and the residential construction of Seattle houses is particularly striking. In that case, it’s time that it was recognized. Below, you’ll find some classic styles for Seattle houses. The Seattle Box A quintessential style for Seattle houses, the Seattle Box offers a simple but highly customizable aesthetic. Sometimes called the Four Square, these Seattle houses are primarily characterized by their boxy style, hip roofs, modest dormers, and generously proportioned porches with columns. While the overarching characteristic of the Seattle Box is elegant simplicity, the model is also something of a blank slate and looks great when elements from other styles, such as Craftsman architecture, are added onto it. The Bungalow These Seattle houses exploded onto the scene during the first third of the twentieth century, remaining wildly popular…Read more

  • Seattle Real Estate Is King

    June 24, 2016 /
    Pickett Street Properties Team /

    Longtime residents of Seattle are surely amazed these days. They’ve seen the city transform from the Capital of Grunge to a sleek and bustling hub of industry. By the same token, they've also seen the cost of living soar along with the business boom. While these added expenses might be a deterrent for some homebuyers, there are actually many compelling reasons to buy Seattle real estate as soon as possible.   At the forefront is Seattle’s muscular job market. Currently, Seattle is experiencing a massive influx of industry, as multiple prominent companies are increasing their presence here. Leading the industrious charge are some of the most important tech companies in existence. Over the last few years, Seattle has welcomed the presence and expansion of companies like Uber, Facebook, Google, and Twitter.   And then, of course, there’s Amazon: a venerable giant in the tech industry, Amazon has always been a Seattle mainstay, and it’s only becoming more important with the passage of time. Overseeing several construction expansion projects, Amazon’s office space is soon expected to include over 10 million square feet. That’s a hefty sum of Seattle real estate.   What this expansion of industry means for Seattle is, of…Read more

  • Living in Washington State: The Sea

    June 20, 2016 /
    Pickett Street Properties Team /

    Each summer, my family gathered at a local beach, known locally as the Spit, to dig for “gooey-ducks,” a particularly hideous species of mollusk that burrows beneath the sand and belches fountains of salt water. On these occasions, a gaggle of relatives and family friends trudged down to the tidal flats with shovels, buckets, galoshes, metal cans or tubes, and snack-filled coolers to search for our quarry. Finding the plumed spurts of water announcing the presence of a clam, the digging would begin, and it wouldn’t stop until some poor schmuck found himself lying with one of his arms wholly submerged beneath the sand, scrabbling for the fleeing neck of the ‘duck while everyone hollered words of encouragement. Though I personally never dug for a clam (usually, I elected to perform some passive and useless task, such as alphabetically organizing our cooler of snacks, while the prone digger gasped and sputtered in a puddle of goop), I relished these occasions. They were, after all, some of my earliest trips to the Puget Sound, and that has to count for something. The Sound is unlike any other maritime environment on earth: sandwiched between the Olympic and Cascade mountain ranges, the Sound…Read more

  • So I went on a date…. a story by Mo.

    June 14, 2016 /
    Pickett Street Properties Team /

    So.....yes. Last Tuesday I was set up by a dear friend of mine. I never like set ups. But I trust this person, so I went for it. It was a delicious dinner and lovely setting at Manolin in Wallingford. If you go- get the "Fun Fun Fun" drink. It's a pink lemonade that is way too easy to drink. I am not someone that dates a lot- I tend to fall into relationships when its supposed to happen I think (I hope) and I don't do a lot of casual dating in between. If you've had a blind date recently, you might be able to relate a bit more to me at this moment in time. How crazy and strange is it to meet someone you've never met before at a restaurant, and hope to have a somewhat interesting and entertaining conversation for at least the time it takes you to get through that delicious smoked salmon and rockfish ceviche. So we met at 7 and talked until 10pm. If anything I can always bring conversation to the table. At Pickett Street I run all of the initial screening interviews- so I told the guy "Just FYI, you may…Read more

  • Have you ever wanted to live in Ballard?

    June 3, 2016 /
    Pickett Street Properties Team /

    It’s common knowledge that Seattle has a long and proud maritime history. Whether you’re enjoying a ferry ride to Bainbridge Island, visiting the aquarium on the pier, or simply renting a paddleboat out on Green Lake, you'll never be far from the water. In the midst of all this briny heritage is Ballard, a nook of northwest Seattle with especially strong ties to the sea. By coincidence, it’s also one of the most popular neighborhoods in the city. Ballard has a long, rich history that stretches back to the 1850s. Originally an independent town populated by fishermen of Scandinavian descent, Ballard has since been incorporated into Seattle and blossomed into a hotspot for culture, food, and drink. One of Ballard’s most popular attractions is the Nordic Heritage Museum, which specializes in preserving and celebrating Nordic culture through dance, film, music, and an extensive series of classes and lectures. On particularly sunny days, visitors can stroll down to Ballard’s popular Golden Gardens Park, a coastal recreation area with forest trails, sandy beaches, and ample views of the Puget Sound. If you’re going to visit Ballard, however, you’ve got to emphasize eating and drinking. In a city renowned for its culinary scene,…Read more

  • Ten Reasons You Should Work With A Real Estate Expert

    June 1, 2016 /
    Pickett Street Properties Team /

    Everything seems automated these days. Self-service stations are proliferating in grocery stores, cars are parallel parking themselves, and everyone seems to be jumping on the robotic bandwagon. The real estate world is not immune to this electronic trend; the vast number of online resources has lead some house hunters to believe that real estate agents have gone the way of the dodo. While searching for a house alone is an option, it’s important to understand that navigating the real estate world without an agent is difficult at best, and disastrous at worst. Below, you’ll find the top ten reasons why you should always work with a real estate expert. Access to Listings Yes, it’s true: the Internet is amazing, and it contains more information than any human could consume in a lifetime. That said, it’s guaranteed that any real estate agent will have access to more listings than the Average Joe surfing the web. For instance, many properties might be available but won’t be advertised publicly, and most websites are not as up to date as the multiple listing service (MLS). As such, agents can help you access more and better listings. However, while access to listings is great, it’s…Read more