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Posts Tagged "Margaret Smith"

  • Energy, intensity, spirit, strength and spark.

    December 22, 2016 /
    Pickett Street Properties Team /

    By Executive Assistant, Margaret Smith Definition of energy: Measure of the ability of a body or system to do work or produce a change, expressed usually in joules or kilowatt hours (kWh). No activity is possible without energy and its total amount in the universe is fixed. In other words, it cannot be created or destroyed but can only be changed from one type to another.  Definition found here: I think about this idea of energy transferring between people at least once per day, if not more.  It’s been apparent to me for a long time that certain people have the ability to transfer massive amounts of energy in a room, either up or down- but it can’t ever be removed or destroyed as the definition mentions above.  Diana Kokoszka, Chief Executive Officer for KW MAPS Coaching first brought the topic of your energy to the forefront of my mind last summer, 2015.  I was in Austin, Texas with Jesse D. Moore & Katie Silver at Coaching Skills Camp.  We spent 2 days learning as much as we could from Diana and Tony DiCello about coaching, leading and bringing our teams together.  Diana talked a lot about how she realized…Read more

  • So I went on a date…. a story by Mo.

    June 14, 2016 /
    Pickett Street Properties Team /

    So.....yes. Last Tuesday I was set up by a dear friend of mine. I never like set ups. But I trust this person, so I went for it. It was a delicious dinner and lovely setting at Manolin in Wallingford. If you go- get the "Fun Fun Fun" drink. It's a pink lemonade that is way too easy to drink. I am not someone that dates a lot- I tend to fall into relationships when its supposed to happen I think (I hope) and I don't do a lot of casual dating in between. If you've had a blind date recently, you might be able to relate a bit more to me at this moment in time. How crazy and strange is it to meet someone you've never met before at a restaurant, and hope to have a somewhat interesting and entertaining conversation for at least the time it takes you to get through that delicious smoked salmon and rockfish ceviche. So we met at 7 and talked until 10pm. If anything I can always bring conversation to the table. At Pickett Street I run all of the initial screening interviews- so I told the guy "Just FYI, you may…Read more