Four Smart Ways to Prepare for a Home Inspection
May 30, 2018 /A good home inspection should provide you with information about a home's current condition. The inspector's job is to do a general analysis of the entire home, not go over the home with a fine tooth comb. If something looks like it needs further investigation, the inspector will recommend hiring a specialist, or contractor. The inspector will also provide a general timeline of the lifespan left on the home's major systems, providing you with information about future upkeep for the home. To connect with a quality agent, get in touch with Pickett Street today (info@pickettstreet.com or (425) 502-5397). Additionally, to help you make sure you get the most out of your home inspections, here are a few tips. For Buyers: 1. Research your home inspector. As a millennial, I can’t buy anything these days without obsessively reading reviews online. For example, I just spent 30 minutes researching backyard doggie pools on Amazon. While I might be taking consumer research to the extreme in this particular instance, finding a good home inspector definitely requires careful research. Here are a few questions to keep in mind when researching your home inspector: How long have they been inspecting homes? How many inspections have they performed?…Read more