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Posts Tagged "Calibre Homes"

  • Yes Virginia, zero down loans do exist…

    September 18, 2009 /
    Jesse D. Moore /

    Question: Is it still possible to get a zero down payment home loan? Answer: For the month of September, yes. (Now extended through the end of December). I received a phone call on Monday - a request from a young couple wanting to walk through a few of the floorplans available at the Summit View plat in Bothell. As we walked through the homes I asked the common questions - making sure that they were aware of the $8,000 tax credit, and it's looming expiration date. They were. I asked if they were aware of the special financing available on these brand new homes, including zero down payment and a 3.875% interest rate if they made an offer in September. They were. In fact, they were way ahead of me... She is a grad student, an unpaid intern on her way to a stable and well-paying vocation. He is self-employed, has been for five years. They have two kids in elementary school, so getting into an award-winning school district was important to them. If they would have tried to buy three years ago there wouldn't have been a problem. "Stated income" loans existed then - a now extinct type of…Read more