We’re proud to announce that after several weeks of development, we’ve successfully completed our update to the “Resources” page of our site. Synonymous with all things “Pickett Street,” we found that to get the tools that we wanted to offer, we needed to start from scratch.
The Interest Rate Update, for example, was designed for our lending partner (Jeff Brown with Homestead Mortgage) the ability to update the web pages without delay as rates fluctuate. This gives visitors to our site easy access to timely and accurate information in a fluctuating mortgage market. All rate information is assuming a 3% down-payment, which we consider a reasonable expectation as zero-down loan programs become less and less available. Jeff Brown will be updating the rate information every other day, and more frequently as necessary if the rates shift drastically, so we expect the “Resources” page to be one of our most frequently visited pages on our site.
Visitors will also find a mortgage calculator on our “Resources” page. While the end-user can change all of the fields on the calculator, the tool assumes a downpayment of 3% and pulls the 30-year fixed rate from the rate update tool above. We’ll be updating the calculator soon to include the property tax payment, which will make the calculator more accurate overall.
The heart of the “Resources” page is in the links. We’ll be able to easily modify the links on this page, which will be especially necessary under the “Puget Sound Market Indicators & News,” where we’ll link to relevant articles specific to the real estate market in the greater Puget Sound area. Visitors will also find links to preferred vendors, to information on “Green” building, and links to other sites of interest to the Pickett Street team members.
So, enough said! Go visit our RESOURCES page!